Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bruno's is Closing – Sales for You


The Bruno's on Glenn Avenue is closing and starting today the entire store is 25% – 50% off.  I talked to the lady today and she said that they WERE still accepting coupons.  She did not say when they would close the doors for good – however Coupons PLUS closing sale should be good.  I need to also add that I have not had the chance to go check everything out – I hope to do so tomorrow afternoon – But if you go – please comment on what is on sale and the inventory left!

Update:  I ran to Bruno’s on my lunch break today (Thursday, March 5th) to see if there were any good deals.  I was HIGHLY disappointed.  They are advertising 25-50% off – and all of the deli and meats are only 10% off.  I can venture to say that 98% of the rest of the store is 25% off.  I bought 5 items there – and it was just ‘standard’ store brand items that I never have a coupon for that were 25% off. They will have to mark things much lower for it to be a ‘good’ deal! 

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